Who’s Who at St Michael’s

It takes many people to run a busy parish church like St Michael & All Angels. Apart from its clergy and parish managers, many members of the congregation take active roles in the day-to-day running of the church. See the Parochial Church Council 2022-23.

People at St Michael's come from all ages and backgrounds. You can read more about some of them on other pages: Meet the Clergy, Serving teamMeet the Singers and  Children's Church team.

Clergy, contact via Parish Office
Parish Managers – Anna Benson, Claire Barrell
Reader and Sacristan – Anne Mower
Churchwardens – Peter Haigh, Christina Whiteway
Treasurer – Amanda Bradley

Master of Ceremonies – Cathie James
Director of Music – Jonathan Dods
Sidespeople – Christina Whiteway
Readers – Jane Trigle
Brass cleaning – Lis West
Flower arrangers – Jane Thomson, Sue Johnson

Crèche – Ros Lister
Children’s Church – Miriam Morris
Little Angels Baby & Toddler Group – Tassy Russell
Safeguarding Officer – Jane McCabe
Electoral Roll – Vicky Brooke
Planned Giving – Tony Simkin, Michael Pownall
Charities Group – Andrew Mitchell
Refreshments – Susan Hunt
Social events – Ian Flatman

Baptism Visitors – Book Club 1 – Jane Thomson Book Club 2 - Tassy Russell Chiswick Churches for Justice & Peace - Ros Lister Women’s Group – Marjolein van Kampen Men’s Society – Ian Flatman Health and Safety – Chris Bradley Publicity - Torin Douglas Bedford Park Festival - Nicola Chater Chiswick Book Festival - Torin Douglas