Men’s Society

Mens-soc-beer-signSt Michael's Men's Society is a great way for men of the Parish to come together and socialise, worship, discuss, complain, reminisce, and drink beer! You don’t have to be a regular attender at St Michael’s to come along, all welcome !

We hold regular meetings in the Tabard Public House (conveniently located just over the road from Church), and there is of course our world famous Men's Society Summer BBQ which usually occurs in August each summer.


SIGN UP TO OUR MAILING LIST- to find out about upcoming meetings and events.

CLICK HERE to sign up, or scan/share the QR code. 


If you would like any further information on meetings, events, or just want to meet a few like minded local blokes for a beer or a chat, find out more! Email Ian Flatman.

MEETINGS FOR 2024 (in Tabard Public House at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated):

  • Monday 22nd April
  • Monday 3rd June
  • Monday 19th August (Summer BBQ in the Vicarage Garden from 1900hrs)- Please RSVP if you are coming!
  • Monday 7th October
  • Monday 9th December (Christmas Drinks)
  • Monday 13th January 2025

Men's Society Christmas Social 2022 Pictures- with Carol Singing in the Tabard!

Mens Society Summer BBQ:
